Rob FullerThe May 18 Healthcare Dive article titled “What you need to know from the new PwC, Kaufman M&A analyses” lead story by Julie Henry covers the results of its First Quarter 2015 Hospital Merger & Acquisitions analysis (Healthcare M&A). PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) also released its Q1 Health Services Deals Insights report. Both the Kaufman Hall analysis and the PwC report identified 23 Q1 hospital transactions in the first quarter of 2015. According to Kaufman Hall, there were 27 transactions recorded in the first quarter of 2014. The PwC report says there were 25.

What were the big take-aways from these two healthcare M&A reports—and what do analysts have to say?

Rob Fuller, attorney at Nelson Hardiman and former hospital COO who advises healthcare clients on hospital management was quoted in this article: “We are seeing a noticeable uptick in both horizontal and vertical deals, and there is little doubt the ACA is the driving force. Hospitals are under pressure to meet population health goals and to better control out-of-hospital care, and there is economic pressure to spread the massive IT investment requirements over more beds and more levels of care.”

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